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Pianist Laura Leon

Masha’s Arigato: Warsaw to Japan (1939-1941)

Sunday, September 28, 2014

1:00 P.M.

Composer's Voice 4th Annual Children's Concert: Music with a Children's Theme

351 East 74th Street, NYC

Website: Jan Hus Presbyterian Church

Composer’s Voice presents the 4th Annual Children’s Month Concert: This is not Kid’s Music: Music with a children’s theme-by Adults and Young Composers.

Pianist Laura Leon will perform Peter Schickele's "Small Serenade" for Piano and the world premiere of Leo Kraft's "Music For a Day: 8 Play-full Pieces for Piano."

This concert includes the World Premiere of Fifteen-Minutes-of-Fame: Video Game Music Kaya Katarzyna Bryla, violin & Hui-Chuan Chen, piano. Music and performances by JP Redmond, Roger Blanc, Douglas DaSilva, Eapen Leubner, Emiko Hayashi, David Morneau, Greg Bartholomew, Moaz Mneimneh, Michelle Ferrara, Benjamin Vokits Eapen Leubner, Emiko Hayashi, David Morneau, Robert Voisey, Greg Bartholomew, , Moaz Mneimneh, Michelle Ferrara. Benjamin Vokits , and Rodrigo Baggio, Erik Branch, Faye Chiao, Luke Deane, Abraham Devenport, Gregory J. Jackson, Gareth Rhys Jones, Shigeru Kan-no, Laszlo Kékszakállu, Michael Maiorana, Daniel Mihai, Eurydice V. Osterman, Jody John Ramey, Alexander Simon. Curator: Douglas DaSilva

The Composer's Voice series presents short chamber concerts held on the second and last Sundays of most months at Jan Hus Church. It has presented the works of hundreds of living composers from around the world, performed by dedicated musicians devoted to new music.

The Concert is Free.

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