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Pianist Laura Leon

Masha’s Arigato: Warsaw to Japan (1939-1941)
Monday, April 14, 2008

12:15 PM

"Two Place: new York and Prague," Talk by Czech artist Anna Matouskova and a concert in honor of Leo Kraft

Five years ago, Anna Matouskova, a Czech artist, and American composer and Queens College Professor Emeritus Leo Kraft met in Prague. Sharing their art and music, they discovered their artistic concerns and creative processes were aligned. Reflecting on Leo Kraft's compositions, Matouskova created a group of works--abstract paintings, drawings and glass sculpture--which she dedicated to the composer's 85th birthday. The lecture and concert addressed the possibilities of inspiration crossing between art and music.

Laura was invited to perform Found In Nature: Music Visualizing a Photographer's Compositions, music by Leo Kraft and Photo Botanicals by Barry Rosenthal, digitally animated by David Tennent, in honor of the composer and event, just one day after its world premiere at the Yamaha Piano Salon.

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